The residential solar system on Maui is the cleanest renewable source of energy on the island. With a residential solar system on Maui, you can generate power for your home independently without relying on any electricity company. The electricity your solar system generates can power your entire home 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Why should you opt for a residential solar system in Maui?

Going green with a residential solar system on Maui has numerous benefits. We’ve made a list of some of the key benefits here to give you an idea of what to expect whenever you choose to install a residential solar system:

  • Save on utility bills
  • Increase home values
  • installation
  • Reliable energy source
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Enjoy rebates and incentives
  • Opportunity to earn some money
  • Performance guaranteed
  • Less impact on the environment
  • Economic savings
  • Solar energy is the future
  • Zero environmental pollution
  • Key components of a residential solar system on Maui

Residential Solar System on Maui

A complete residential solar system on the island requires various components to generate electricity, convert that electricity into alternating current that home appliances can use, and store excess electricity while maintaining safety. Here are the key components of a residential solar system on Maui:

  • Solar Panels
  • Solar Array Mounting Racks
  • Array DC Disconnect
  • Inverter
  • Battery Pack
  • Power Meter, Utility Meter, Kilowatt Meter
  • Backup Generator
  • Breaker Panel, AC Panel, Circuit Breaker Panel
  • Charge Controller

Should you live on the grid or off the grid?

Once you decide to install a residential solar system on the island, you’ll have to choose between being connected to the grid or living off the grid. What’s the difference between both?

Living on the grid

Living on the grid means your solar system is connected to the grid. You’ll have to pay HELCO or MECO a significant sum to bring grid power to your home. How does it work? A residential solar system without batteries can generate power for as long as the sun is up.

Once the sun goes down, the system is unable to generate power and since you don’t have a battery as a backup, you’ll have to turn to the grid to supply the electricity you need to power your home.

Living off the grid

Living off the grid means your residential solar system on the island is not connected to the grid. Rather it generates power independently. You also have a battery that can store the excess energy the solar system is generating.

Once the sun is down, your battery will function as a backup supplying your home the required electricity you need at any hour, especially at night. Find out how to choose the right solar panels for off-grid living on Maui.

Choose the right solar installer

One of the best parts of going green with a residential solar system on the island is that you can choose whatever installer you prefer. You can use this free solar size calculator to figure out the right side of the solar system for your home. A good way to start is to contact Pacific Energy and you can request a free quote.