Looking for some great ways to save on electricity on Maui without solar?

Investing in a PV system is the best and most profitable way to save a lot of money in the long run. However, not everyone has the cash to go solar right away and it may take time for you to be granted a loan.

So what can you do in the meantime to save on electricity on Maui without a PV system?

Anyone relying on the grid must wonder if it’s possible to save money on electricity! And the answer is a definite yes!

Until you’re ready to turn on your PV system, here’s how you could save on electricity on Maui without solar.

1. Turn off the lights and appliances not in use to save on electricity on Maui without solar

Obviously, the best way to save on electricity is not to use it. If when you enter a room, your first instinct is to turn on the lights, make it a habit to turn them off when you exit. The same goes for your appliances. If you’re not watching the TV, turn it off. If you’re not using your PC, shut it down.

Changing our habits to reduce the amount of electricity we use and stop wasting energy is the first step towards building a more sustainable future. And it’s also a great way to save on electricity on Maui without solar!

2. Use the dryer less often and air-dry your laundry

Are you in the habit of throwing your laundry in the dryer every time? Of course it’s convenient and less of a hassle to dry your clothes using a dryer, but if you’re looking to save on electricity without solar, you should start drying your laundry naturally.

Dryers are responsible for emitting millions of metric tons of carbon every year. And this is only in the U.S.! So if you’re looking to save on electricity and reduce your carbon footprint without solar, start using a portable rack or a clothesline to dry your laundry at home.

3. Switch to energy efficient lighting

Switching to LED lighting is a great way to save money on electricity! LED bulbs use less energy to produce light and – to top it off – they last a lot longer. As much as 25 times longer! So if you’re looking to lower your electric bill even before going solar, make sure to replace your light bulbs around your home, you won’t be sorry.

4. Control your AC system with a smart thermostat

A smart thermostat is one of the… smartest ways to save on electricity.

Installing this type of device will allow you to control the cooling and heating in your home, according to your actual needs. Not only that, but you can control your smart thermostat via your smartphone, so you have the opportunity to cut costs even more by turning your AC off when you’re out, and on when you’re just about to leave work and head home.

5. Take some time to seal air leaks in your home

In order to save on electricity on Maui without solar, you should definitely seal your home. This will help maintain your home cool during the hot months in a more energy efficient way.